You can make a difference.

Donate. Spread the word. Become a volunteer.


Your donation allows us to continue to serve and honor those who could not normally enjoy the outdoors on their own. River Valley Trails, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit EIN 46-0484130 program Limitless Cycling, creates opportunities for people of all abilities to experience the freedom of the outdoors.


Spread the Word

Tell your friends and family about Limitless Cycling. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and share our posts. Join our mailing list. There's no better way to make a difference than to become an active advocate yourself. Spread the word and make an impact!

become a volunteer

The core of our operating model is the generosity of a dedicated group of individuals who love helping others through the joys of cycling. If this is something that interests you, click on the SIGN UP button below and your name will be added to our volunteer list. We will start contacting everyone in the upcoming weeks to set up your training.



Limitless Cycling is committed to fostering a community that values and appreciates the diversity of all individuals. We do not discriminate based on race, age, religion, ability, socio-economic status, marital status, sexual orientation, sex, or gender identity.

This policy applies to all aspects of our organization, including riders, pilots, volunteers, programs, and activities. Additionally, we encourage our partner organizations to reflect these values within their own policies and practices, helping to create a more inclusive and equitable environment for everyone.

"Let's ALL Ride!"

“My only wish is to leave something in Stillwater when I pass away which will live and perpetuate for all time the history of this region.”

- John Runk